Wednesday, 5 September 2012

English - Polish Translation of English Courts Names

As a predominantly legal translator, I decided to share with you some knowledge on law and legal language. This is why this blog is going to seethe with English and Polish legalese and with advice on how to deal with it. Hopefully, it will be of some use to those of you who struggle with the language of law as well as to novice translators who will find it as a good source of reference.

The first post of the series will feature the names of the English courts, their jurisdiction and Polish translation. The names will be put in hierarchy from the highest court to the lowest.

Here we go!
Hierarchy of English Courts (source:

English Courts hierarchy and their jurisdiction in Polish:


  1. Wreszcie praktykujący tłumacz, który nie mówi "sądy magistrackie". Świetny pomysł! Powodzenia w serii. Gdybyś potrzebowała gościnnego artykułu, to z przyjemnością mogę napisać coś o najczęściej popełnianych błędach.

  2. Nie jestem za "sądami magistrackimi", tak samo jak nie jestem za "voivoidship" oraz "poviat". Odbiorca powinien wiedzieć, o co chodzi, co nie? A co do gościnnego postu, to jak najbardziej. Kilka kolejnych mam już zaplanowanych, ale w międzyczasie odezwę się do Ciebie.
    Dziękuję za komentarz!

  3. Your article about polish language is really informative. I am beginner of learning Polish language. I am going to Poland for educational purpose so i need to learn basic Polish language. That’s why i am seeking Basic Polish for dummies support and i think it is easy way to improve Polish language skills to the next level.

  4. Thank you Brand adam! I'm glad you found this post informative. Keep watching this space for more posts on translation into Polish, and feel free to have a look at the articles in Polish too. They're under the "Articles" label. Enjoy!

  5. Thanks for sharing this post.
